Storyscape Wiki

Zetta Serda is a character in Titanic (Season 1). and one of the love interests for Adele Carrem. She is also her employer and makes her first appearance in Episode 3.


Zetta was passionate about acting from the time she was a young woman. After her first major role, she married her manager, who said he could make her a star. In spite of his promises, Zetta failed to get good roles under his guidance. The two eventually separated, but Zetta never legally divorced him due to fear of a scandal. After a year out of the spotlight (her so called "lost year") she returned to performance and soon made a successful career for herself.

Zetta continued acting in both stage and film productions until her beauty began to fade due to her age. With her fame dwindling, she looked for other ways to earn money and refused to let her gender prevent her from supporting herself. By the start of the show, she has become engaged to Richard King, a director, as a way of prolonging her career.

Zetta also took in her nephew, James Eisler, from infancy and raised him as a son. By the time James reached adulthood, he had become completely financially dependent on his aunt.

If Adele asks her about her last name, she describes it as "a draw at the box office. A little bit of the exotic," so it's possible it is not her birth name, though this is not confirmed.


Zetta has blonde hair tied up elaborately, hazel eyes, and red lips. She is mostly seen wearing elegant dresses to prove her social standing.


Zetta is shown to be more intelligent than she looks. For instance, when you notify her that the Baron is a con man, she states that she already knows. Despite being a demanding boss, she is quite impressed with Adele when she proves that she will not be threatened by James. She is demonstrated to put family first and to be forgiving: when she finds out that James schemed behind her back, she forgives him due to the events of the Titanic sinking. If Adele betrays her but gives a reason for the betrayal, namely that she is putting Hileni - and hence family - first, Zetta will forgive her as well.


  • Episode 1 (Mentioned)
  • Episode 3
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 5
  • Episode 6
  • Episode 7
  • Episode 8
  • Episode 9
  • Episode 10
  • Episode 11
  • Episode 12
  • Episode 13
  • Episode 15 (Determinant)
  • Episode 16
  • Episode 17


James Eisler

James is her nephew and lives off of her money. When she gets engaged to Richard King, he is worried she will cut him off and therefore wants to break up the engagement. He suspects she is his mother, but she is indeed his aunt. If Zetta dies, Adele imagines her spending her last moments trying to free James from where he is trapped.

Adele Carrem

Adele is hired as her secretary and is supposed to manipulate her to make her break up the engagement. Depending on choices, their relationship can be professional, friendly, or romantic. If Adele tells her about James' manipulation, Zetta doesn't want to believe her at first, but after Adele provided proof, Zetta tells her she believes her and confides in her about her marriage in Episode 10.

Depending on Adele's choices, Zetta will live or die. If Zetta survives, it is up to Adele if they remain friends or part ways.

Richard King

She is engaged to him but calls it a "business arrangement." For his part, he seems to genuinely care for her. If Zetta does not survive, Richard asks Adele if Zetta ever really loved him. If Adele betrays Zetta, the truth about her marriage comes out and the engagement is put off. In case she survives, they are both involved in the movie based on the events, either because they are engaged or because she sold him her story if they part ways.


In Season 1, Episode 10, Zetta tells Adele that she actually is already married. She spent the year she disappeared from public together with her husband (a man named Otto, who was also her manager), but ultimately left him when his promises concerning her career turned out to be empty ones. She couldn't divorce him and often forgets that she is a married woman.

The Baron

Adele witnesses how Zetta gives him money to pay his debts. He is actually a con man, which Zetta is aware of. She keeps him around because she is researching a role for a movie with a grifter, and considers him an amusing way to learn and prepare for the part.



Special Moments



  • According to Matteo, the films she starred in include The American Aphrodite and The Small-Town Showgirl.
  • In Season 1, she celebrates her 40th birthday - but wants Adele to keep her actual age secret.
  • Her name is pronounced: Zett-uh.
  • She was partly inspired by Dorothy Gibson but, according to Meghna Jayanth, who led the writing effort for the show, Zetta remained very different in many, crucial ways.
  • Zetta is 167cm tall.
  • On December 23, 2019, Storyscape released another batch of artwork and wallpapers as a thank you featuring some characters from Season 1. Among them was Zetta.[1]
