Zach is your ex in Life 2.0 if you're interested in men, or an old friend from college if you're interested in women. He makes his first appearance in Season 1, Episode 1, if he is your ex.
You and Zach began dating in your freshman year of college. Your relationship continued after graduation, and the two of you eventually moved in together. By the time the story begins, you have been dating for nearly ten years.
As you are moving out, Zach is generally rude and crass, expressing much less interest in you than in his home brewing. He also complains about your treatment of him, regardless of which dialogue options you select. It is difficult to say how much of his behavior is influenced by your moving out process and how much is his personality itself.
- Episode 1 (Determinant)
- Episode 2 (Determinant)
- Episode 3 (Mentioned; Determinant)
Your Character[]
Zach is your ex or your best friend. The two of you initially had a good relationship, but after ten years have stopped communicating and no longer get along. After you leave for San Francisco, Zach writes an article about you and your breakup (if he is your ex) that goes viral.
Dana is your friend, alongside your character if Dana is dating them.