Titanic is a romantic anthology show written by Meg Jayanth, Lara Avery, Drew Karpyshyn, and Meghan Thornton which is based on James Cameron's 1997 film Titanic[1].
Navigate an original tale of epic romance, intrigue, and tragedy based on James Cameron's cinematic masterpiece.
Titanic Season 1 follows the protagonist Adele Carrem and her sister Hileni on their voyage from England to New York however being blackmailed by James brings on obstacles.
Episode 1[]
For a poor London girl in 1912, passage aboard the RMS Titanic to America is the chance of a lifetime.
Written by Meg Jayanth
Directed by Jake Hughes
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 107.4MB
Episode 2[]
The Titanic is launching! But your younger sister has been sent, alone, to third class. A charming steward offers his help, but he may be powerless against the forces driving your family apart...
Written by Meg Jayanth
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 119.8MB
Episode 3[]
The time has come to meet Zetta Serda: star of stage and film, notoriously difficult employer, and the woman you've been blackmailed into destroying. But first, you need to survive the interview.
Written by Meg Jayanth
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 99.1MB
Episode 4[]
The titanic's dining saloon and first-class meals are the stuff of legend. But will you charm your way through dinner or be tossed out before dessert?
Written by Meg Jayanth
Directed by Eric Parsons
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 123.3MB
Episode 5[]
A celebration in steerage, a mysterious passenger, and a meeting between two romantic rivals. The voyage of the Titanic continues late into the night...
Written by Meg Jayanth
Directed by Javier J. Espinoza
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 92.9MB
Episode 6[]
While you and Sabine plan for the big party in Cafe Parisien, an investigation into Zetta's past reveals that one of her friends is not who they seem...
Written by Meg Jayanth
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 124.2MB
Episode 7[]
Zetta opens up during a private screening in her stateroom, but will you open up to her? As you try to make sense of it all, Charlie distracts you with a tour through the heart of the ship.
Written by Lara Avery
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 118.5MB
Episode 8[]
James's schemes come to a head on the private promenade, where he threatens your dearest companions. You and your allies are pushed into conflict that leaves no one unscathed...
Written by Lara Avery
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 51.3MB
Episode 9[]
Unexpected help from Zetta's inner circle gives you a shot at revenge, but can you stay focused when the gorgeous film star invites you to the Turkish baths for a private audience?
Written by Lara Avery
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 116.3MB
Episode 10[]
A walk with Mimi on the poop deck helps to heal some wounds, but a shocking confession from Zetta just hours before her party changes everything.
Written by Lara Avery
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 112.7MB
Episode 11[]
Zetta's party is finally here, and with it, James's deadline, but you have a few moments to enjoy the beauty and pomp before your dance with the devil.
Written by Lara Avery
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 133.5MB
Episode 12 []
The Titanic hurtles towards its fate when James demands the results of your investigation. Will you betray Zetta and reveal her secrets? Or remain loyal-and risk everything?
Written by Lara Avery
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 122.9MB
Episode 13[]
Calamity strikes! After the Titanic collides with an iceberg you and your allies race against the clock in a desperate search to find your younger sister before the freezing waters claim you all.
Written by Drew Karpyshyn
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 115.1MB
Episode 14[]
The Titanic is sinking. With the ship's labyrinthine corridors blocked by rising seawater and panicked passengers, Charlie hatches a desperate escape plan.
Written by Drew Karpyshyn
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 81.6MB
Episode 15[]
With seemingly no way out, your group navigates a dangerous path, where you will need to make painful choices-and heartbreaking sacrifices-if you hope to survive
Written by Drew Karpyshyn
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 115.8MB
Episode 16[]
It's a frantic bid to escape the doomed Titanic. There are not enough lifeboats, Zetta is nowhere to be found, and James isn't done with you...
Written by Meghan Thornton
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 112.8MB
Episode 17[]
The Titanic is gone. Can you hold on until rescue arrives? Will America embrace you with open arms... or hold you in shackles? The catastrophic conclusion to the epic tale of love and betrayal, tragedy and redemption.
Written by Meghan Thornton
Directed by Kyle Cabral
Produced by Erin Fusco
Download Size: 198.4MB
See the Titanic characters here.
See the Titanic walkthrough here.
You can listen to the original soundtrack here
- Few characters from James Cameron's 1997 Titanic make an appearance in this show.
- It was confirmed that the show would be an anthology. This means that players would have played as a new character with a different background and meet new people each season.[2]
- They also confirmed that players might meet some old characters from previous seasons.
- When asked again about the future of the show, Storyscape hinted at a possible spin-off.
- On November 15, 2019, Storyscape revealed that there are 32 outfit combinations for Adele during Zetta's party including dresses, hair, and token options.[3]
- A user on Tumblr discovered some real dresses which were likely used to create dresses for the show, most of them for Adele.[4]
- Former Storyscape writer Jennifer B. Hepler's credits include working on Titanic Seasons 2 and 3, revealing that a third season was planned.[5]
- On November 8, 2024, Titanic producer Erin Fusco died after battling pancreatic cancer for more than five years.[6][7]
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_(1997_film)
- ↑ https://playstoryscape.tumblr.com/post/186663845860/hey-guys-first-i-wanted-to-say-congrats-on-the
- ↑ https://twitter.com/Storyscape_Game/status/1195473700281180160
- ↑ https://zetta-serda.tumblr.com/post/189640389322/i-found-the-inspos-for-11-of-the-dresses-from
- ↑ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferbrandeshepler
- ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/Storyscape/comments/1gnx4uc/update_on_former_ss_staff_zzleigh/
- ↑ https://www.instagram.com/p/DCK3gsdydd9/?igsh=aWEwZ2szbHk5ODd6