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Joseph Mboya is a character in Edge of Extinction. He is a former geneticist and one of the Tromstad survivors. He makes his first appearance in Episode 2.


Joseph is one of the Tromstad survivors. He grew up in Senegal before going to France for his graduate degree in genetics and eventually moving to Norway to take a research position at Stavanger University. Although his team tried to find a cure for the plague, they all fell victim to it before they finished their research, and only Joseph survived. Eventually, Grace found him and they banded together.

After the group reaches Svalbard, he collaborates on a cure with Char Jackson, who becomes suspicious of his extensive knowledge of the toxin and the rate at which they are making progress. It is revealed that Joseph was part of the team that initially developed the toxin, an accidental creation when they attempted to develop a universal herbicide and pesticide for use in agriculture. Although Joseph was not directly at fault for the toxin's release, he had even ordered all samples that had been made, to be destroyed, he says that he is still responsible because he was the lead researcher on the project.

After his secret is revealed, Joseph turns over all of his research to Char and his fate is put to a group vote. Following the group vote, Joseph is either executed, banished from the community, or forgiven. If he is forgiven, he and Char find a cure more quickly, but it is implied that she will eventually cure the toxin herself if he dies.


Joseph has short, black curly hair, hazel eyes, thick lips, a beard and he has a dark complexion.

He predominately wears a dark blue, light blue and off-white patterned jumper. He also wears a dark blue and mustard yellow snow coat, a dark grey scarf, and a blue, patterned beanie.


Joseph is outgoing and friendly. He describes himself as feeling a need to fix broken things but says it can be motivated by pride as well as altruism. He said his desire to be the hero and fix problems led him to sacrifice relationships with his friends and family before the Collapse.


  • Episode 2
  • Episode 3
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 5
  • Episode 6
  • Episode 7
  • Episode 8
  • Episode 9
  • Episode 10
  • Episode 11


Your Character[]

Depending on choices, your relationship with him will improve or worsen. He will like it if you help Mari in Episode 3. In the same episode, you get to choose whom to protect from a bear: Joseph, Grace, or both of them. If you protect him, your relationship will further improve.

When he says he feels like the father of the group, you have the option to tell him that you like older men and he will be surprised if you choose this option. Later, you can enter into a romantic and sexual relationship with him. If you pursue Joseph, he can propose to you using his parents' wedding rings in Episode 10, and you can either turn down his proposal or get married to him.

In Episode 11, after it is revealed that he is responsible for The Collapse, you can choose to either forgive him, banish him, or execute him for his crimes. If you choose to forgive or banish him but the group votes to execute him, you can either let him be shot or step in front of him when Grace shoots, saving his life at the cost of your own. If you die protecting him, he adopts your dog.


Louis and Joseph were romantically involved before the former's death. According to Joseph, he'd never been in love with a man before, but he appreciated the way that Louis lived in the moment and found joy in spite of the tragedy they had all lived through. Alongside your character, Joseph can retrieve a reservoir from the burnt museum to repair the cathedral's pipe organ in Louis' memory.


Joseph and Grace respect each other greatly and work together to help lead the other Tromstad survivors. They do a lot of initial planning and decision-making together before presenting ideas to the rest of the survivors for debate. You describe then as a sort of mother and father to the rest of the group. Although they generally get along well they do disagree from time to time, notably when Mari asks you to save her baby over her own life, a plan Joseph agrees to but Grace rejects. In Episode 11, Grace is furious at the revelation that he was responsible for The Collapse and wants to see him punished.



  • In Episode 11, it is revealed that he involuntarily created the toxins that led to The Collapse. Therefore, he is guilty of Genocide.
  • Whether he survives the final episode is up to you and your relationship with the surviving members of the group. You can choose to sentence him to death, banish him, or forgive him. If you vote to forgive or banish him but don't sway all the surviving members who vote due to having a low relationship, he will be sentenced to death no matter what and instantly killed by Grace - unless you sacrifice yourself.
    • Only if he is sentenced to death by the group and you sacrifice yourself instead, it will be stated that the group reconsiders and he stays part of the group. He will then find the cure in the fall and save humanity.
    • However, if he survives without your sacrifice or if he is killed, the season has an open ending with Joseph and/or Char still working on a cure.