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Hileni Carrem is a character of Titanic, Season 1. She is the sister of the main protagonist of the season, Adele Carrem.


After their parents passed away, Hileni was raised by her older sister, Adele. By the age of fifteen, she had taken a job in a factory. She boards the Titanic after Adele is given the chance to escape a length jail sentence by being Zetta Serda's personal secretary.


Hileni has tan skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes.


Hileni is more cautious and pessimistic than her sister. Unlike Adele, she does not believe that women will ever get the right to vote, and would rather keep her head down than fight for suffrage. She is also very wary of the voyage, saying that she distrusts the sea.


Season 1[]

  • Episode 1
  • Episode 2
  • Episode 3 (Mentioned)
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 5
  • Episode 6 (Mentioned)
  • Episode 7
  • Episode 8
  • Episode 10
  • Episode 13 (Mentioned)
  • Episode 14
  • Episode 15 (Determinant)
  • Episode 16
  • Episode 17


Adele Carrem[]

Adele and Hileni are very close, as they are one another's only surviving immediate family. In spite of this, Adele's frequent arrests put a strain on their relationship, and Hileni seems to feel that Adele is prioritizing her ideals over Hileni. After the two are separated upon boarding, Adele continues to find ways to see her sister. At one point, Adele drops by unexpectedly and hears Hileni passing off Adele's stories of their parents and life in Lebanon on her own, something that can either hurt Adele or that she can brush off. As Hileni grows closer to the Rouhanas, Adele finds herself feeling somewhat jealous of their relationship with her sister. Eventually, the sisters escape the sinking and live together in New York.

Matteo Vasari[]

Hileni first meets Matteo when he agrees to translate for the small Italian boy that Hileni worries is being abused by his father. Although she is initially somewhat suspicious of him because she knows he works for Adele's blackmailer, Hileni quickly warms to him and even begins calling him by his nickname, Teo. When James comes to get HIleni from steerage, she agrees to go with him because Matteo vouches for him. When she finds out who James really is, she is hurt by Matteo's betrayal. If Adele pursues Matteo, Hileni seems supportive of the relationship and suggests that she an Matteo might be a good couple.

The Rouhanas[]

The Rouhanas (mother Leila and twin daughters Rina and Samara) are a Lebanese family who board the Titanic at Cherbourg and become Hileni's cabinmates. Mrs. Rouhana takes Hileni under her wing and she quickly becomes friends with the two girls. Being around them makes Hileni wish she were more connected with her Lebanese culture and reintroduces her to religion. As the Titanic goes down, she will ask Adele to stay and pray for deliverance with the Rouhanas instead of fighting to escape alongside the other third-class passengers, although either Adele or Mrs. Rouhana will convince her to escape.


Gustav is a young Swedish passenger who Hileni has a flirtation with. They get into a fight when he mistakenly believes Hileni to be wealthy, which goes against his principles as a socialist. Adele can either help the get back together in a premium choice or encourage Hileni to move on.


Although Sabine and Hileni don't spend much time together before the sinking, they apparently become quite close during their time on the Carpathia, and greet one another warmly at the movie premiere.



  • Her cabin number is F29.
  • Adele calls her "habibti," an Arabic term of endearment meaning "my love" or "my darling." [1]
