Episode 1[]
Strand is a harvester Page mentions. He has a bad eye and frequently talks about a lover he has in Whitewax, which Page says he believes is a bathhouse.
Episode 2[]
Floret is a Caretaker. If you learned street fighting and choose to fight back during the failed escape attempt, you injure and possibly blind her. Her name is not revealed until Bezoar tries to stop you and your friends from leaving the Garden in Episode 3.
Episode 3[]
You meet Crutch if you decide to visit the Squats, who immediately identifies you as a "thief and a scoundrel." He says he likes children and tries to offer you advice.
She sells her fortune-telling services in the Glimmerward. You decide not to wait in line when you see her theatrical approach to prediction.
She is a resident of the Glimmerward. You have the option to steal her belongings or try to help her find her parents who then rush to get her. No matter what, you end up having her scarf, either because you took it or because she lost it, and bring it back to the others. Violet asks you to give it to her and she will value it if you do so. Alternatively, you can trade it in.
Episode 7[]
She is a female prisoner who mocks you as Haunt leads you through the catacombs of the Well during the first day or your apprenticeship. She is described as being so pale she seems to glow in the dark, and Haunt mentions that she hopes to join the Cagers someday.
Swing is a Cager you sometimes walk rounds with during your apprenticeship.
Callous is a Cager you sometimes walk rounds with during your apprenticeship.
He is Maize's stepson and a prisoner of the Cagers. She says he was arrested after starting a fight in which blood was spilled and was handed over to the Cagers by the Locksmen.
Cinder's Parents[]
Cinder's mother and father, whom you meet if you go looking for Cinder. Cinder's father insists he is dead, while Cinder's mother insists that he is not. The two fight constantly.
Cinder's younger sister. He ran away after her death.
She is a female Cager. Violet teases Page by saying Potter wants to make him a sentry. In Episode 8, visiting Page - if he joined the Cagers - reveals that he has indeed begun training under her as a sentry, spending much of his time running messages from the catacombs to the higher areas of the Well.
Chamber was the leader of the Cagers at the time the Night-Mother was imprisoned. She recounts that he was brutal and made the Well a place of torture.
He is now remembered on Chamberstide, a Cager holiday.
Episode 8[]
She is a spicemonger who sells the Night-Mother's favorite tea. Haunt makes you run to her stall as the first part of your training.
She is implied to be Haunt's ex. Prospect mentions that she thinks Haunt is better off without her, which makes him uncomfortable. According to Haunt, she is a Cager and Thread's cousin.
Plenty is a Cager. You cut lamp wicks together after Violet leaves for her initiation.