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Charles "Charlie" Stoke is a character in Titanic (Season 1). He is a steward on the ship and one of the potential love interests for Adele Carrem. He makes his first appearance in Episode 2.


Little is known about Charlie's life before Titanic except he grew up with three sisters, once dated a girl in Liverpool, and took a position with the White Star Line out a life-long love of ships. Charlie began as a trimmer, a member of the engineering crew responsible for loading coal and sending it below to the stokers. He was eventually promoted to the position of steward, although James later has him demoted to lift operator.

When Titanic begins to sink, he decides to remain with his friends in the boiler room to help keep her afloat for as long as he can, but Adele can save him by knocking him out and bringing him along against his will. If she leaves him behind, he presumably drowns when the boiler room floods. If she saves him, he struggles to forgive her for forcing him to leave his friends.


He has pale skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. As a steward, he wears a white shirt with a black tie and a white jacket and pants. When he is promoted, he wears a darker jacket. When working to slow the sinking, he strips his jacket and wears a white undershirt and suspenders.


Charlie is described as kind, courageous, and loyal. Charlie believes strongly in living by his personal code, and finds the mere suggestion that he could be bribed to stop helping Adele to be insulting. He is a romantic, to the point of having abstained from sex so as to give his virginity to someone he is truly in love with.

Charlie loves ships, which is what originally encouraged him to take a position on the Titanic. He tells Adele that he is more interested in the mechanics of ships than in their day-to-day human workings and that he would like to attend engineering school.


  • Episode 2
  • Episode 3 (Mentioned)
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 5
  • Episode 6 (Determinant)
  • Episode 7
  • Episode 8
  • Episode 9
  • Episode 10 (Mentioned)
  • Episode 11 (Determinant)
  • Episode 13
  • Episode 14
  • Episode 15
  • Episode 16 (Determinant)
  • Episode 17 (Determinant)


Adele Carrem[]

Charlie is one of Adele's potential love interests. He first meets her attempting to sneak into third class to visit Hileni. Rather than turn her in, he helps her get into steerage. He continues to help her, even after James retaliates by having him demoted. If she admits that her birth name is actually Adal, he will frequently use the Lebanese pronunciation instead of the English one she usually goes by. He quickly develops feelings for Adele, though whether or not she returns them is up to the player. After James tells him Adele is using him, he asks her if this is true, and she can either admit to it or deny it. Regardless of how Adele responds to his attentions, he will tell her he loves her before he decided to stay in the boiler room to slow the ship's sinking. Adele can either allow him to sacrifice himself or bring him along against his wishes. If she saves him by force, he will survive but have a difficult time forgiving her for her actions.

Hileni Carrem[]

As the steward of the deck Hileni is bunked in, Adele asks him to keep an eye on her sister.

Matteo Vasari[]

He and Matteo have opposite opinions on how to act towards James, but both are also aware that they are both interested in Adele. Matteo is constantly dismissive and mocking toward Charlie, who in turn looks down on Matteo for going along with the demands and expectations of the wealthy. The two men continue to argue even when the boat is sinking. During their arguments, Adele generally has the option to intervene and/or side with on of the men. Charlie finally seems to earn Mateo's respect when he decides to stay and work in the boiler room as the ship sinks and teaches Matteo to lead Adele and Hileni to safety. If Adele knocks out Charlie with a shovel, Matteo will help save Charlie.

James Eisler[]

When James finds out Charlie has been helping Adele circumvent his orders by taking her to visit Hileni in third class, he initially attempts to bribe him to stay away from her, something Charlie considers to be an insult to his character and does not consider for an instant. When James realizes Charlie can't be bought, he has him demoted from steward to lift boy. He also attacks Charlie's relationship with Adele, saying she seduced him and is only using him to gain access to steerage so that she can visit Hileni. His words rattle Charlie, who later asks Adele about their relationship.


John is a trimmer and a good friend of Charlie's from before he became a steward. When Charlie gives Adele a tour of the boiler room, the two men enjoy one another's company, and it is John who suggests that he challenge her to a coal-shoveling match. After the sinking begins, Charlie leads Adele, Hileni, and Matteo through the boiler room, where he meets John again. Seeing that John is shell-shocked from the explosion of one of the boiler rooms and the deaths of the trimmers who worked there but is still working to keep the ship afloat causes Charlie to decide to stay behind. If Adele does not save him against his will, he dies working alongside John and the other trimmers.



  • Adele describes him as having a Yorkshire accent.
  • Charlie is 180cm tall.